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Directory: Japanese: Tea Articles (1170)


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Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1700 item #1304101 (stock #0239)
Momoyama Gallery

It is a rare event to discover a chawan of oldest Oribe ware. Here we proudly present a fantastic Ao Oribe chawan from the Azushi-Momoyama Period.

Little distorted half cylinder shaped (tsutsu-gata) tea bowl with flaring mouth made of light, coarse, unrefined Mino clay.

The expertly thrown body is covered with typical green copper glaze inside and outside...

Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1700 item #1303850 (stock #0238)
Momoyama Gallery

NOTE: Due to our holiday we can only send parcels again after our return on August 7th.

Distorted half cylinder shaped kutsugata tea bowl of light, unrefined Mino clay.

The expertly thrown body, heavily trimmed with a potters knife (hera) is covered with the typical, glossy black iron oxid glaze inside and outside. Obviously due to a lack of manganese here it is more a dark brown, which is rare to find on Oribe chawans...

Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1800 item #1301920 (stock #0236)
Momoyama Gallery

We like to present you from our family collection our only tsutsu winter chawan. Aesthetic old winter chawans are hard to find - so take your chance. Its a Shino Chawan with fantastic glaze and a perfect kintsugi gold repair. Once you hold it in your hands you will refuse to give it back. It dates back to the middle Edo Period and comes with an old wood box.

Size: 4,6'' height x 3,6'' in diameter.

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Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1492 item #1301721 (stock #0235)
Momoyama Gallery

The history of Japanese chawans should not be written without this 15th century Iga chawan. It was produced during the Muromachi Period, which was running from approximately 1337 to 1573...

Japanese : Tea Articles : Furnishings : Pre 1930 item #1300473 (stock #WD-059)
JJ Oriental
Nicely carved wooden,elm wood, display stand. Size: L. 40.2cm W. 23.8cm. H. 12.7cm. Condition: No repairs.
Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1700 item #1300047 (stock #0234)
Momoyama Gallery

Say the word 'Momoyama' to any Japanese pottery connoisseurs, and their eyes will inevitably light up. Most ceramic enthusiasts would give up any Saturday-night vice to own just one Momoyama Shino, Bizen or Karatsu guinomi (sake cup) or chawan (tea bowl). Here is another Momoyama item from our collection:

Cylinder shaped (hanzutsu) tea bowl made of light, fine, unrefined Mino clay - slightly discoloured by age and use, which has also enhanced beautiful, fine crazing...

Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1700 item #1299869 (stock #0233)
Momoyama Gallery

Little distorted half cylinder shaped (kutsugata) tea bowl made of light, coarse, unrefined Mino clay.

The expertly thrown body is covered with the typical, glossy black iron oxide glaze inside and outside. A 'window' on the side has been left unglazed for decoration in iron oxide engobe under a clear ash glaze in the form of plum blossoms (ume) and a geometric design. This is a typical Momoyama design...

Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1920 item #1299658 (stock #TRC1501)
Kyoto Ceramics and Fine Art
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This generously proportioned chawan (16cm in diameter) shows nice age, especially around the kodai, and likely dates from the early to mid 20th century. The base is unglazed showing the rich molded clay, contrasting nicely with the maroon and black glaze pooled beautifully around the edges. The badarai (horse watering basin) shape is very attractive and in this case especially fitting given the uncommonly large proportions...
Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1700 item #1299516 (stock #0232)
Momoyama Gallery

Half cylinder shaped (Hanzutsu) tea bowl made of light, coarse unrefined Mino clay, with very little and small ishihaze (exploding stones).

The mouth has been trimmed in a fashion frequently seen in black oribe but rarely in yellow seto bowls. The expertly thrown body is covered with the typical ash glaze inside and outside which has turned into yellow, due to a slight iron oxide content in the clay; the thick and glossy glaze (guinomi-de) has a beautiful, fine crazing...

Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1700 item #1298819 (stock #0230)
Momoyama Gallery

Little distorted half cylinder shaped (kutsugata) tea bowl made of light, coarse, unrefined Mino clay.

The expertly thrown body is covered with the typical green copper oxide glaze inside and outside. A 'window' on the side has been left unglazed for decoration in iron oxide engobe under a clear ash glaze in a geometric pattern of squares and triangles and little circles. This is a typical late Momoyama design...

Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1700 item #1298816 (stock #0229)
Momoyama Gallery

Real old Kihara-Karatsu Chawan from the well known Kiwara kiln in Sasebo. This type of tea bowl is called hanjiki, a transitional folk half porcelain bowl between Karatsu and Shoki-Imari ware.

Very nice cobalt decoration with mysterious charakters, crackle glaze and an antique gold restoration called kintsugi (gintsugi).

The Kihara-Karatsu Chawan comes with a high quality shifuku.

Size: 2,9'' height, 4,6'' width.

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Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1980 item #1298461 (stock #TRC1526)
Kyoto Ceramics and Fine Art
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Occasionally as I’m browsing through the temple markets of Kyoto or perusing backstreets tea-ware shops, an attractive piece will catch my eye for no particular reason. When this happens, I typically buy it immediately without hesitation, trusting that I will be able to decipher the Chinese script and give it proper attribution through the course of my research. In this case, I was only able to make it half-way there...
Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1970 item #1298458 (stock #TRC1510)
Kyoto Ceramics and Fine Art
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This impressive han-tsutsu Shino chawan was made by the late 13th generation Mino potter Kato Seizo (1930-1979, Kagekiyo). Kato’s works are well-regarded throughout Japan and he has won a number of honors and awards over the course of his career as an artist. Not surprisingly, he is equally appreciated abroad and by foreign experts of Japanese pottery...
Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1980 item #1298442 (stock #TRC18046)
Kyoto Ceramics and Fine Art
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This brilliant Tenmoku chawan displays gold and flaxen hues interspersed with dark ash glaze. The piece rests upon an unglazed clay pedestal showing the iron-rich clay the bowl is formed from.

Shodai-ware has a long and storied history stretching back as far as the Nara (710 - 794) and Heian (794 - 1192 ) periods...
Japanese : Tea Articles : Metalwork : Pre 1910 item #1298369 (stock #0228)
Momoyama Gallery

Antique Japanese cast iron tetusbin tea kettle by famous Ryobundo dating back to the Meiji period.

It has a great atmosphere with aestetic ume tsubomi (plum tree) design. Good condition with some expected rust. Signed Ryobundo on the outside.

Size: 23 cm height x 21,5 cm width. Weight 2400 g

Shipping included.
Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1970 item #1298360 (stock #TRC1502)
Kyoto Ceramics and Fine Art
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A very elegant and mature tsutsu style chawan created by Ito Tozan III (1900-1970), third generation of the Ito Tozan line of potters. Tozan, who at one time worked in the kiln of Hamada Shoji, learned pottery from his father Ito Tozan II (1871-1937) and his grandfather Ito Tozan I (1846-1920) from a very young age...
Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1970 item #1298348 (stock #TRC1505)
Kyoto Ceramics and Fine Art
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This magnificent Shino-yaki chawan, done in a rediscovered Momoyama period style, came from the kilns of one of Japan’s most celebrated and talented potters.

Arakawa Toyozo (1894 - 1985), designated in 1955 as one of but a handful of National Living Treasures, is best known for rediscovering lost techniques of pottery from the Momoyama and early Edo periods. In 1930 he discovered shards at the site of the ruins of an ogama style kiln at Mutabora proving that that Shino and Oribe g...
Japanese : Tea Articles : Pottery : Pre 1980 item #1298340 (stock #TRC1520)
Kyoto Ceramics and Fine Art
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This chawan was fired in the kilns of one of Kyoto’s best known raku-yaki potters, Sasaki Shoraku III (1944-). The Shoraku line began when the grandfather of the current potter established a kiln near the famous Kiyomizu temple, nestled at the foot of the eastern mountains in Kyoto. In 1945, the kiln was moved to Kameoka near the Yada shrine where it remains today.

Raku teabowls are made by hand, without the use of a potter's wheel. In the process of shaping the bowls, potters ha...
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