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Directory: Japanese: Folk Art: Dolls and Puppets (256)


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Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1920 item #598455
Asian Art By Kyoko
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Antique Japanese folk hina dolls, ladies in waiting from the Heian Imperial Court (794-1185). The dolls are part of the Hina Matsuri Festival for girls in Japan. The approx. height of the tall dolls are 8 1/4" tall, the seated doll is 4 1/2". Made in Osaka, Japan (by NAKAGAWA Kiyojiro)
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1960 item #578703 (stock #MOR1892)
The Kura
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This is a genuine theater puppet kashira representing the character Osome. It is not a souvenir. As you can see it is quite clean, however there are three faint vertical cracks in the gofun covering, beside the nose and up the right cheek. The gofun is stable. She wears her hair in an immaculate coiffure held with one unpretentious comb and a ribbon of chirimen silk. Two silver ornaments accent the very simple and attractive figure...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1900 item #576332
Asian Art By Kyoko
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Unique antique Japanese doll set of warrior dolls (musha ningyo) for the Japanese Boy's Day. 17 3/4 inches tall empress Jingo with her faithful minister, Takenouchi no Sukune, 12 inches tall holding prince Ojin (Oh-jin), the future 15th Japanese emperor who later became known as "The God of War".

Boy's Day in Japan was traditionally held among Samurai and aristocrat families in the Edo period...

Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1980 item #576294
Asian Art By Kyoko
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Japanese Kimekomi hina ningyo (dolls), Dairi bina, emperor and empress doll. Kimekomi dolls were originally carved out of willow trees growing on the riverbank of the Kamo River in Kyoto. They were made using the leftover material from Kamo Shrine. Today, the dolls are made out of paulownia sawdust mixed with glue. This method was developed by Kanabayashi Mataro (1897-1984). Each section is divided by grooves and each block is covered with brocades...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1900 item #574072
Asian Art By Kyoko
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Antique Japanese samurai doll, a flag-bearer sitting on a chair, 15 inches tall to the top of his head. This is a popular retainer doll paired with a general doll for the Japanese Boy’s Day. All the retainer dolls are usually not handsome; some look quite funny contrary to the handsome general dolls. You can even see a size difference for some in the set; there will be a big handsome general doll and a small retainer doll with a funny face to enhance the difference...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1900 item #571438
Zentner Collection
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Antique Japanese samurai doll of the epic hero Yoshitsune Minamoto. Seated with one foot forward, wonderful suit of armor, fantastic face with glass eyes and wonderful heroic expression, long hair gathered in the back. Size: 25" high
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1920 item #566009
Asian Art By Kyoko
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Unique Japanese antique clay doll, Mingei folk art of Japan, Emperor and Empress hina dolls (Dairi bina). Clay dolls were made all over Japan by the late Edo period (1603-1868) by off-season farmers which would often involve the entire family for extra income. These dolls were for the regular people (over 90 percent of the population were farmers then) who could not afford pretty hina dolls made out of cloth...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1920 item #561415
Asian Art By Kyoko
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Beautiful Meiji(1868-1912) Japanese hina ningyo (dolls), 20 inch empress doll and 17 inch emperor doll. The Hina Festival in Japan takes place every March 3rd. It is a day of celebration for the well being of every girl in the family. In earlier days, people were more susceptible to natural disasters or diseases, and in order to keep evil spirits away, this day was spent giving offerings to God...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1900 item #552726
Asian Art By Kyoko
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This is an exceptionally beautiful antique Japanese doll. The face of the doll is small but delicate. It has the look of a Noh mask with painted skinny eyes and a nose that is extra high. This indicates that the doll was intended to be a beautiful woman. The color on her lips is almost all faded leaving a green dot on her lower lip...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1900 item #540097
Asian Art By Kyoko
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This is a superior Takeda ningyo (doll), an old Japanese theater doll which was most likely modeled after the character, Teiseiko from “Kokusenya-ya-Gassen.” It was a popular theater play in 18th to 19th century Japan. The setting of the play is during mid 17th century China towards the end of the Ming Dynasty. Teiseiko (also known as Watonai) was fighting the battle for the old dynasty...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1920 item #537973
Asian Art By Kyoko
This is a large doll, probably dated from Meiji to Taisho period, modeling a maiden from the Genroku era (1688-1703). Genroku culture which was the beginning of uprising power of the merchants in the Osaka area was glamorous and quite a contrast to the stiff culture of the samurai. Partially green lipstick that is shown on this doll became fashionable at the time. Her hair style is called Taka (high) Shimada or Bunkin Taka-Shimada...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1900 item #532437
Asian Art By Kyoko
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Antique Japanese warrior dolls, musha ningyo displayed for the Japanese Boys Day...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1837 VR item #532299
Asian Art By Kyoko
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These are very unique Japanese zuishin dolls from the late Edo period (1603-1868). The dolls are commonly called Daijin minister dolls but they are actually figures of the Toneri, the imperial guardsmen and escorts from the Heian period (794-1185). The clothing of the dolls is rich and elaborate just like Kabuki actors on stage. At first, we thought these may be Takeda ningyo (Takeda theater dolls) from the same period (older Takeda dolls - late Edo to early Meiji) but the embroideries on t...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1920 item #529813
Asian Art By Kyoko
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A superb quality set of court musician dolls for Japanese Girl’s Day, Hina Matsuri.
The Hina festival takes place every March 3rd in Japan and it is a day of celebration for the well-being of every girl in the family. In earlier days, people were more susceptible to natural disasters or diseases, so in order to keep evil spirits away, this day was spent giving offerings to God. This custom was adopted from the 7th century Chinese ceremony that originally took place on the beach. The Ja...
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1920 item #529751
Asian Art By Kyoko
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Japanese Takeda doll, Benkei. We originaly thought this doll was Benkei but somehow he was changed into to Samurai Kiyomasa (16 to 17th century samurai general). We should be correcting or leave him as is with a tiger. Circa Meiji period (1868-1912). 15 inches tall, 14 1/2 inches across platform.
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1950 item #518246
Asian Art By Kyoko
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This Japanese doll looks like a woman from Ukiyo-e (pictures of the "floating world") wood block prints. She is sensual and inviting; posing to fix her hair with a hair pin. To do so, she would need to tilt her head sideways and gently pull out the hair pin so she wll not make a mess of the hairdo. The process takes delicate movement of the fingers and is also a chance to show off the area behind her neck which is considered to be the most sensual place to show for a women wearing a kimono.
Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1900 item #423038
Asian Art By Kyoko
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Japanese antique hina dolls, large musician ningyo from the 1800s. The hayashi musician dolls were added to the emperor and empress dolls (Dairi-bina), sometime in the mid to late 18th century. They were first made in Edo (today’s Tokyo) while the Zuishin, Court Guards (also known as ministrator dolls) were being created in Kyoto.

There are two types of costumes for the musician dolls, Kamishimo or Suou (su-ou). The dolls that we offer here are wearing Suou, which were worn by aris...

Japanese : Folk Art : Dolls and Puppets : Pre 1920 item #422798
Asian Art By Kyoko
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The Japanese samurai dolls are part of the display used for Boy’s Day on every 5th of May in Japan. The dolls are the figures of historical heroes or legendary people to inspire the boys in the family (probably husbands are also included today) in their manliness and hopefully discipline and bravery to go with them. Samurai’s Yoroi armor, Kabuto helmet with swords, bow with arrows are popular items chosen today for the day.

Very large doll for this kind. 13 inches tall x 18 inc...

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